The Fourth Extraordinary General Meeting was held To the shareholders of Al Jazeera Sudanese Jordanian Bank

The Fourth Extraordinary General Meeting was held To the shareholders of Al Jazeera Sudanese Jordanian Bank

The Fourth Extraordinary General Meeting was held To the shareholders of {Al Jazeera Sudanese Jordanian Bank} On 6/1/2022 at one o'clock in the afternoon To discuss the election of the board of directors for the period {2021-2024} A quorum for the meeting has been reached The candidates were named, the votes were taken, and the votes were counted The meeting passed the following decisions: Approval of the results of the board of directors’ elections for {Aljazeera  Sudanese Jordanian Bank} for the period {2021-2024} Which was won by the following: Members of the Board of Directors for the session {2021-2024}:-

1. Mr. Ayman Hazaa Barakat Al Majali (Chairman of the Council).

2. Mr. / Mohamed Ahmed Suleiman Mohamed Ahmed (Vice-Chairman of the Council).

3. Mr. Michael Faeq Ibrahim Al-Sayegh - Member.

4. Mr. Muhannad Akram Abdullatif Jarab - Member.

5. Mr. Hatem Abdel Hai Zalloum - Member.

6. Mr. Ramzy Marwan Halim Salama - Member

7. Mr. Abdul-Ghani Hamid Abdul-Ghani Mahmoud Jabr - Member.

8/ Mrs. Iman Abdullah Ibrahim Fadl - Member.

As part of the discussion of any other business, the general meeting - extraordinary - issued a decision that the profits for the year 2020  remain revolving profits.